I read a quote once that went something like this: "Do you stop talking long enough to hear God speak?" It wasn't that exactly, but the point was we can't hear Him when our minds or mouths are continually going.
Psalm 46 : 10
“Be still, and know that I am God.,”
God answers us in many ways, sometimes we hear him in our minds, sometimes it is an impression on our hearts, sometimes it is through the words of another; a scripture, or even something we see or hear outwardly. Sometimes God presents us with a circumstance in answer to our question or prayer.
If God doesn't answer you in a time period that is acceptable to you, even though you have been asking or praying diligently, it doesn't mean he didn't hear you or doesn't love you. Perhaps you are. not ready for the answer and you will have it in God's time. Perhaps you are simply not listening. Or perhaps you do not like the answer he has given and you are waiting for the one that you like better! (DOH!)
Being still does not always mean being silent. Our minds can be running at warp speed when we say nothing.
Psalm 131;2
" But I have calmed and quieted my soul,..."
Calm and quiet your soul. Trust that God is at the helm. It is impossible to hear Him through the noise of anxious thoughts. Have faith that he will answer you in his time and when you are able to hear him.
Matthew 7:8
For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
May God Bless you!