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If you are having a hard time accomplishing the important things you set out to do and you are waiting for the right motivation to strike before you can move forward, I would like to share with you a conversation I had with a dear friend a few days ago.

The other day I was on the phone with a friend and we were talking about the importance of, and how to stay in, the Word of God, on a daily basis. She said I’m just not motivated to do it. I want to, but I am just not motivated. In response to her, the words that came out of my mouth were certainly prompted by the Holy Spirit and they went something like this

“Motivation is overrated. You can’t expect to be motivated all the time, it just isn’t going to happen. It is determination in spirit that moves you forward; the determination to accomplish that thing that you set out to do with the self-discipline to act on it, so that you do that thing, even when you don’t feel like it.”

Now, it just so happens that I had been lacking in motivation in certain areas of my own life. I had become lackluster in spirit towards a couple of projects that I had committed to, and I was feeling really disheartened about it. Why couldn’t I get motivated? I still wanted to work on the projects, I just was not motivated to do actually do what I had to do to make headway on them. I was planning to pray about it and ask God to reignite a fire in me so that I would be motivated to move forward, but before I could even pray about it He answered me. As the words I was speaking in response to my friend came out of my mouth “Motivation is overrated” I knew without question, those words were just as much meant for me as they were for her.

Message received Lord! I get it! To put it simply, Motivation is like the wind, it fills your sails and moves you forward for a time, but when it ceases to blow you better be ready to paddle.

I think this scripture sums it up:

Romans 12:11 (MEV)

"Do not be lazy in diligence, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord."



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