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SONG OF SONGS 4:7 "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you."

Just one glance in the mirror can set you up for a good day or a bad day. Our reflection can have a profound effect on how we feel about ourselves.

Here is an example, You are on your way out the door and give yourself one last glance in the mirror, Outfit? "Check". Hair and makeup? "Check!" Bag, shoes? (Guys, whatever you guys check off before you leave the house) "Check, check! Looking fine! Then, once you are out and about, with a spring in your step you pass by a storefront window and nonchalantly check yourself out! Eee Gads! what happened!? That is not how I looked when I left the house! With a turn of the head, you've gone from singing Zip-a-dee-doo-dah to singing the blues. Sound familiar?

So, I was putting together an outfit the other day, and although I really liked the outfit, I wasn't loving how I looked in it! Well, I thought, maybe it's the mirror (LOL)! So, I went to another mirror. Oh my! Worse! Okay, let's try another, "still not good", okay one more, (I have a few mirrors in my house!) Then...Oh, yeah! I was digging the outfit, now! I looked taller and slimmer; I was rocking some serious style vibes!! But wait a minute! I had just looked in four different mirrors, which one was my true reflection? How could I know???

Well, the Lord gave me some insight that day, I heard Him say, I wish you could see yourself as I see you and this scripture was presented to me

Song of Songs 4:7: You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you."

You see, you can't know, "which one is your true reflection" in any given mirror. No piece of glass can give you a true read on yourself. I believe the message from the Lord, for ALL of us to hear, is that there is no mirror that changes our appearance to Him. He sees us as He created us to be. Beautiful in every way. How awesome! Perhaps, we need to remember that our true reflection is in the eyes of God!

So, is my point to stop looking into mirrors? No, of course not! But, if the mirror has become an obsession; if the mirror dictates how you feel about yourself on a moment-to-moment basis, step away from it and ask God to give you a glimpse of how He sees you.

Running from mirror to mirror to find the best one in the house may provide some cardio exercise, but your heart won't benefit from it! The best of mirrors are easily shattered, but the beauty of your true reflection is in God's eyes, and it is eternal!


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